i fear this creature greatly. this creature is theoretically unable to die. this creature cannot die. this creature will be reborn 1 thousand times over before it shows true age. it is out there, and i will never witness it. its out there, and i am in hiding from it. it knows everything and nothing about me. i know it knows me, and it knows it cant die.
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Turritopsis nutricula is a small hydrozoan that once reaching adulthood, can transfer its cells back to childhood. This adaptive trait likely evolved in order to extend the life of the individual. Several different species of the genus Turritopsis were formerly classified as T. nutricula, including the "immortal jellyfish" which is now...
i adore this creature greatly. this creature is theoretically unable to die. this creature cannot die. this creature will be reborn 1 thousand times over before it shows true age. it is out there, and i will never witness it. its out there, and i am in hiding from it. it knows everything and nothing about me. i know it knows me, and it knows it cant die.
cool dudes ๐