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I think most anti-capitalists, while correctly identifying problems in society resulting from capitalism, either fail to address how their desired alternative would actually fix said problems, or have a desired alternative with problems that vastly outweigh those of capitalism.

If I absolutely had to choose an extreme political ideology to support it would almost definitely be this one.

One of my favourite hypotheses which turned out to be false, not only because it sounds cool, but also because of how certain we are that it is incorrect.

if high society is so cool how come they have yet to make a higher society


Siblings should NOT be in romantic relationships with each other. Pass it on.

🎡I see a little sillhouetto of a man🎡

🎢Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?🎢

Mama, oooooh! (Yes, this is a Queen (band) quote, and yes, this is here for the tag)