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Elon Musk (nazi) continually texts me and shows up at my front door asking me to join him here for a "goon sesh" and the police say it's his right to do so as President and they deny my restraining order? Anyway it seems like a nice place

Mom has a world she plays with me and my brother.

Pretty great for the most part, but it's particular brand of '90s edginess can make it feel a bit dated at times. You can tell David Fincher didn't grow up in a big city.

I don't think there are many other people for whom the statement "I wish he was still addicted to heroin" applies.

Too complicated for how heavily reliant on luck it is. The single worst board game I've played.

am i the only person who thinks cloudless skies are miserable? i could use a little clouds, if you ask me

To top it all off the queen's old lady disguise has a perfectly normal-looking nose and a full set of pearly whites.