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i'm biased because I main ibuki in every game she's a part of and she's top tier here so uhhh peak hahahaha's sf3 what else do I say

Maybe if you get your damn shit together and make an actual website, this would be higher

Fuck you now I can’t use Drain Punch or Fake Out on you

Ass animated series for an ass sequel for a GOATed movie

Oh Golly, Oh Gee, Oh Gilibrand, what a great film. Hopefully they don’t run it 14 years from now

they're fine for most generations, but post-removal of Pursuit they've gotten just a tad OP overall. we need to bring back pursuit that's the real problem here

i'd dick them down in the shower . i mean

pretty and can be used to make s'mores but .a hh ouch ouw ow...... 's a bit hot..... ... ..


alright, I should probably say more than that huh?

alright, so the 2000s (with exactly TWO exceptions, and one is more 2010s than 2000s) was a... not great year for disney. a not good year for disney. ...a fucking terrible year for disney is what I'm saying. and then they switch exclusively to 3d. that should be a bad thing right?

wrong. the switch to 3d happens right during a good run of like 5 movies between disney and pixar. tangled is right in the middle, and overshadowed by the disney movie ...

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alright, I should probably say more than that huh?

alright, so the 2000s (with exactly TWO exceptions, and one is more 2010s than 2000s) was a... not great year for disney. a not good year for disney. ...a fucking terrible year for disney is what I'm saying. and then they switch exclusively to 3d. that should be a bad thing right?

wrong. the switch to 3d happens right during a good run of like 5 movies between disney and pixar. tangled is right in the middle, and overshadowed by the disney movie that comes after (a little movie, you might have heard of it, called FROZEN)

it's legitimately the best of that early run. flynn rider is an absolute rizzlord that's also legitimately charming, rapunzel is a super genius klutz that is legitimately probably the most original disney princess design in the history of the brand (I'm probably missing one though), THE HORSE has no right to be as funny of a concept as it is but it is and it's glorious, and the villain is an original concept done really well, with hammy as hell acting and a great villain song. quite frankly: THIS IS, UNAPOLOGICALLY, A DISNEY MOVIE. THROUGH AND THROUGH.

and that's what it needs to be.

Literally one of the most talented and funniest people out there