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agonizing ordeal half the time. hearty recommend 👍

hey lois this reminds me of the time somebody rated my existence in its entirety a 0% on reviewpedia

disappointed wikipedia doesn't call this baking biscuits like everyone else

always want to be sure which boner you’re talking about

Chris Bores,

How come you get to have double the immunity? Is this an elaborate scheme, Mr. Irate Gamer? Puppet Steve? Face it, YYNN is ruined.

A little not-on-topic: I see prominent figures like Doug Walker, James Rolfe, Spoony, and Angry Joe all have certain things on here—whereas, Linkara has absolutely nothing. Textbook example of deserved, boisterous merriment.

As for you, Chris, you do you.

Yours truly,

Mario Mario


You are wonderful and an inspiration. Zak Bagans would be pleased with your very existence. Keep on hunting those ghosts like the behaviorist you are.

Yours truly,


i dont find it that fun but i appreciate people who do and i love them

people really gloss over that there is no meaningful historical evidence of jesus being a real person.

love that he was into bread though even if its just a story. bread is good. i love bread.