and this is why uBlock Origin exists
the only reason i could see escalators and elevators being useful are for disabled people or for REALLY high places. otherwise, just take the stairs?
for me, it's exactly the opposite. hate Crouton with a passion but i really love salad
sometimes it can be funny (like those "presidents play minecraft" memes) but most of the time it just falls flat
me when my scholarly paper is so useless that i have to shout to get people's attentions:
it's how we got here
As a wraps enjoyer, do I need to say my opinion?
Sometimes, it's warranted to hate things
When the numbers are odd
Now we're talking!
I love it when my numbers are square
Prevents people from snooping around in admin panels!
Second best Web browser, after Firefox
Gotta love doxxing someone who exposed your unethical at best practices
"I am in the YYNN page of myself" - Tom Scott, 2024
Hope this guy doesn't find my home address from the way the leaves of the trees rustle
Don't like how it has became paid, but other than that good game
This letter deserves an L
Peak cinema right here
It's so cool! Why would anyone rate it below a
at least?
I thought April was only popular due to April Fool's Day, but here we are