letds; jyust say. i know a girl
ive had 5 of these. highly recommend. the sqeuaklers
i think about this daily. this is a core part of my life. im good im cool im fine this is ok im normal im fine
wife always nags at me about this every time i take my daily 2 tablets for immortality
ooiiugh,,, ,bogyy...
i am SO normal
like, you wouldnt believe how normal i am about insects
i am remarkably normal about these
whjen i was like 14 a bunch of people in their mid 30s kept trying to force me to speak for them and i dont like that
i have done this several times
for years now my artist friends have taken requests and i always without fail ask them to draw a frog for me and they have yet to know that its been me this entire time
overhyped. seems pretty usual to me. thats how id die
cautiously yearn to know what it tastes like
not a big fan of the government
barobom,mana momamba .baroque obomoa
he doesnt????
dont like this guy. not 1 bit.
ohhhhhhh fuck yeah. ohhhh hell yeah. fuck yeheah dude. oh my god. fuck yeaaaah
doesnt fit very well anymore. not a big fan of the texture either
wheres that orange one at
has anyone noticed my little default picture lookjs like one of these?p retty cool