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I forgot the actual contents of this pack until now. Now I remember why.

...There is absolutely nothing here.

it says something when WHEEL is your high hitter. Now, granted, Wheel rules, but it's not exactly the kind of thing I'd expect to be... headlining a pack? But whatever, good game, what else is-


Drawful Animate is more drawful. But with more stuff you have to draw. And also it's kinda bland and uninteresting. And also you have to draw two images at once. And also it takes longer.


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I forgot the actual contents of this pack until now. Now I remember why.

...There is absolutely nothing here.

it says something when WHEEL is your high hitter. Now, granted, Wheel rules, but it's not exactly the kind of thing I'd expect to be... headlining a pack? But whatever, good game, what else is-


Drawful Animate is more drawful. But with more stuff you have to draw. And also it's kinda bland and uninteresting. And also you have to draw two images at once. And also it takes longer.


Poll Mine is actually surprisingly fun, but is built in such a way that streamers actively choose the shittier mode and is also TEAM BASED so you can LOSE without ACTUALLY doing anything wrong. And, like, not in a fun way. Again, twitch player here, so I might be a bit biased but, yikes.

Job Job encourages you to just spit the most dumb brainrot shit ever imagined by man onto a piece of paper and hope it works.

Seriously, there was a point where I just got the word "9/11", used it three times in a row, and it won.


And then there's Weapons Drawn.

Literally unplayable. I'm sorry to Zeeple Dome, Lie Swatter, freaking whatever comes after this, this game is LITERALLY unplayable online

you can draw whatever and you're DISTINCTLY encouraged to obuscate your art.

The best way to tell how good a game is is how often its' played on twitch streams.

No lies: I was on twitch the DAY OF RELEASE of Pack 8.

...i STILL, to this freaking DAY, have not played Weapons Drawn.

...That is all.

Edit: I forgot how peak Wheel is, actually.

Upping this to N?.