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fantastic creatures all of them hope to work with them someday

tbh i don’t remember much of what happened in this movie but i know it was pretty good. it’s majorly abt classism & racism which was a good move

never totally got the appeal, maybe because i was homeschooled, but it IS cool

it has its glaring and unavoidable flaws but the upsides - incredible music, fantastic and unique visual design, and a deeply affecting story - are more than enough to make this an absolute winner

classic for a reason. absolutely delicious. fun to make - it’s great to mix different cheeses in different amounts to try and get the best flavor, and you can use different types of pasta for different texture experiences. unambiguously a winner. one of the champions of food.

has anyone noticed my little default picture lookjs like one of these?p retty cool

What's the Word of the Day? Today's Word is "preconceived," in that it comes to mind whenever I have to look him straight in the eye. Tell me, is he compensating for something? Super Mario.