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I hate the sound chip so much. GBA music reminds me of long boring car rides

Haven't actually seen it but it's a comedy from early 2000s so there's a 99% chance it has some of the worst (weirdly casual) sexism / racism / homophobia you've ever seen in a work of fiction

Horrible European white guy. Like many others has a decaying brain that thinks Muslims threaten Austria's precious culture of digging out a basement and locking up your daughter there for 20 years.

It's the weed day but also Hitler's birthday, so, it;s impossible to say if its bad or not,

I'm a big fan of Yes. I stop listening to their work post about 1980; it's mostly fine after that point, but you hear them becoming a tribute band to themselves. No disrespect; I'd love to make a decade of excellent music and then semi-retire, trotting out the old hits sometimes when I needed money.