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Can be absolutely incredible and disgusting. You gotta make it right

Ketchup is only good for fry sauce and even then, theres good recipes without fry sauce

Loved using yoshi on my old wii and if he ever died i would restart the level to keep him. He a G fr

Dogs are better tbh, cats are cute and stuff but cant compare to a dog. Its like comparing a mini cooper and a porshe 911

College debt forgiveness.

Gen Z is wealthier than Millennials were at the same age.

Doesn't want to replace the presidency with a dictatorship.

Doesn't do insider trading of stocks, and never has throughout his entire political career which has ranged decades.

Accurately predicted that Russia would commit its forces in Ukraine. Stopped Russia from taking the country and inspired other free-world democratic leaders to do the same.

Childcare bill.

The largest ever investment by any world governm...

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College debt forgiveness.

Gen Z is wealthier than Millennials were at the same age.

Doesn't want to replace the presidency with a dictatorship.

Doesn't do insider trading of stocks, and never has throughout his entire political career which has ranged decades.

Accurately predicted that Russia would commit its forces in Ukraine. Stopped Russia from taking the country and inspired other free-world democratic leaders to do the same.

Childcare bill.

The largest ever investment by any world government in green energy production in the history of the world.

The Inflation Reduction Act (which worked and ended inflation that had skyrocketed as a result of entitlements to corporations in the Trump-era, btw!)

Bidenomics is reviving American manufacturing, relocating jobs that were offshored to China back to America.

Beefed up our alliances and quasi-alliances with India, Japan, the Philippines, and Australia, reinvigorating the Quad and creating AUKUS. The Philippines is allowing the U.S. to build bases on its soil for the first time in many years — bases that are very close to Taiwan and could help defend the island from invasion.

Encouraged the free world democracies to unite and grew NATO (two new countries so far joined!)

Economy has completely recovered from COVID and America is way better off than the rest of the world under Bidenomics.

His admin singlehandedly stopped the 2023 banking crisis.

Wages are continually rising (mostly focused on the lowest 40% of earners) and income inequality has been falling and crime is falling.

These are ALL FACTS. You cannot deny he has been a stellar president, we're WAY better off now than in 2020 and you betta believe he's gonna win in 2024.

Amazing, when I die.. Find a way to turn my ashes in this.

me when the house is 5/12" larger on the inside than the outside

i like places, and this is one of them. needs to change its flag to look less like poland though.