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I mean the gamecube is good, yeah, we can all agree on this, but...

...the small discs are legit a horrible design decision.

they had a chance to use full sized dvd discs, and we know they had the technology because they used it on a little console you may have heard of it it's called THE WII

so why didn't they use it here

if you don't watch the mario brothers super show, you're gonna turn into a goomba!

sidenote: has the highest kill count in gaming history

anybody who N's crime is a narc

with that in mind, this is a Y? because you REALLY don't wanna get caught

these are a set of pokemon games in which you legit, no joke, can beat the games without capturing a single pokemon. no grinding required.

what were they thinking gamers

platinum is good. heartgold is good. the anime is good. these? they're not good. the remakes only proved this.

diamond and pearl are just straight up not good games.

ok so melee would be a Y but they removed the C stick smash attacks in literally every single player mode and it single handedly ruins the whole experience in like... every mode. it is not good. why did you do this sakurai

it's like if the screensaver on your computer heated your computer's hard drive up to boiling temp

like, it'll be fine just don't touch the fucking hard drive

unironic peak. people bought mice for their sneses exclusively to play this and its' worth the mouse

yeah super mario world's a good game do I need to tell you this