I mean, I get it. Anxiety can be a real B
I applaud thee nice work
Ever heard of Gabe Newell?
De-salt it with free indirect fusion power capture and pipe it uphill using that same free energy to municipal water reclamation stations across the nations that's my pitch I just need $30 million to get started
You absolutely 100% are a crook and bad dude but good work on foreign relations. Thanks for setting the stage for the absolutely terrible conservative-induced politics the USA is hopelessly mired in
Space Kings, wish I could grab a wrench and work in Boca Chica on the production line for a few months
Literally the only way I get internet at my second house #privilege but also for real there's no cell service or internet there except for starlink
It's admirable that a publicly traded company of this size is so unafraid to continually fail project after project after project. Gives failures like myself hope. I certainly don't recommend any of their products besides maps and their cloud infrastructure
Oh he's running and he's gonna win and you'll be even better off (again) in 4 years
The thing is, you're just plain wrong.
10/10 would recommend to the 8/8 player
Copper to aluminum, what could go wrong
Loved her in jurassic park
This captive unused patent causes many deaths good work
Proud fan can you believe they advertised this on the webzone formerly known as Twitter
Ensure your system of record has audit logs also
Oh it's periodical alright and if I have to reclass one more thing I'M GONNA LOSE IT
Let me tell you the fact that trackable and assignable Customer Acquisitions Costs are not part of this category in GAAP accounting is a WILD choice by whoever TF runs GAAP
streets ahead
orange drank
Elon Musk (nazi) continually texts me and shows up at my front door asking me to join him here for a "goon sesh" and the police say it's his right to do so as President and they deny my restraining order? Anyway it seems like a nice place