am i the only person who thinks cloudless skies are miserable? i could use a little clouds, if you ask me
like being attacked by bees
pretty and can be used to make s'mores but .a hh ouch ouw ow...... 's a bit hot..... ... ..
adds some flavour to the sky. scares me when i'm asleep though :(
needs to get his tonsils removed
easy to mess up, but looks beautiful when you do get it right.
WOOHOOOOOOOO !!!! !!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
cough cough. people who smoke are irritating
me when the house is 5/12" larger on the inside than the outside
good place to swim. i could do without the brain eating amoebas though.
i like places, and this is one of them. needs to change its flag to look less like poland though.
lobotomy ? you barely know me!!!!!!!!
turns long names and phrases into funky sounds :)
meanie head !
like gallade from pokémon
lovely two minute snack. jelly ratio can be a bit off but not enough for me to change my rating
forg. not recommended for soups