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US Flag Code violation: Desecration. Devised for use by authority figures believing their undercover vehicles were not prominent enough: Primarily equipped by the elderly pining for 'the olden days', NFL fans under the mistaken belief that a new team had suddenly manifested, and foreign exchange students attempting to avoid getting pulled over. Whoever whipped this brain-blast of a project up painted the United States flag monochrome, immediately and significantly reducing the country to a background obj...

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US Flag Code violation: Desecration. Devised for use by authority figures believing their undercover vehicles were not prominent enough: Primarily equipped by the elderly pining for 'the olden days', NFL fans under the mistaken belief that a new team had suddenly manifested, and foreign exchange students attempting to avoid getting pulled over. Whoever whipped this brain-blast of a project up painted the United States flag monochrome, immediately and significantly reducing the country to a background object solely used as a showcase of authoritative glorification. It should be noted that the blue line's off-center, hard to look at, not supporting anything and doesn't fit well within the space it's forced itself into: Props to the designer(s?) for managing to reflect that element of their reputation through the flag in such a minimal manner.

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