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You never know if Rian will make the best or the worst movie you've ever seen. This is one of the good ones

My fav atm, but their pad see ew is no bueno

You haven't had a sando until you've had their strawberry cream sando

is it the only thing that knows about itself? maybe

the constant.

it doesn't matter if the literal fucking world is ending: waffle house open.

it doesn't matter if someone has thrown a chair, they will THROW IT BACK and STAY OPEN.

wild ass place. I respect the hell outta them

you know when something's so fucked the entire world goes "ok yeah we will never be the same ever again?"

...yeah so this is 9/11

donald trump got convicted on 34 charges. to read more google "donald trump rule 34"

I'm never talking shit about Australia again. At the very least, the plants there aren't homing missiles.