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His signature strategy: go AFK and win.

This is just one example of his greatness.

Everyone has UNO, it came free with your numerical system.

No longer my favorite because of the drastically increasing temperatures. In layman's terms, "It's too hot, oh damn!" But hey, I'm all for the Big Break and the many birthdays I celebrate, including mine.

Getting stuck in high snow sucks. Speaking from experience. But hey, I'm a sucker for days off from school and celebrating holidays!

Pokemon X was my first Pokemon game. Couldn't get past the dog puzzle though because I was baby.

Friendship is cool, but forcing it is not. At least I can give out trade evolutions via Surprise Trading.

I'm tired of all the mischaracterizations. He only fights the player out of desperation.

Sans and Papyrus, to name two. My headcanon is that all the fictional skeletons with unconfirmed relationship status are cousins.

Everybody's heard about the bird! Bird is the word!

-The Trashmen

He has a different ethnic background then i do, which upsets me, obviously

me and the homies trusting the people that are inheritly nontrustable because its' the only thing we have

I'm not rating this a Y because of the yes song.

I'm rating this a Y because of the experience of jumping one in video games.

It feels VERY good