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rachuli khachapuri is good, but of course the adjaruli is the undefeated champ

the only series of machines certified to inject white-hot plastic into your beverage of choice

Something abt his face… I don’t know. He look like he know too much.

i like it. u purchase the new yorker with roast beef.

this little rapscallion set my interests up for the rest of my life

OK so I know gothitelle itself didn't do anything wrong

but it got Wobbuffet banned from OU

and nothing will ever make me not mad about that

so yes

this is pettiness.

and I do not care

so you know when you switch in a wobbuffet

and then you kill a freaking arceus



Speaking of E being peak, e (or as it's better known euler's number) is super long and super peak. kinda like pi except without the weird dumb symbol. no desserts though :(


Q is bad. Unironically maybe my pick for worst letter.

It has so few actual uses that in scrabble casually (and boggle COMPETITIVELY) you're pretty much stuck not using it unless you have a e nearby.

sure, QI is a word, so that helps a little, but only a LITTLE.

Q is the most useless letter. By far.

Z is a peak letter. The edges, the way you write it, its' usage as a BOLD ECCENTRIC letter, its' usage in culture...

Z is peak. Easily